What is our carbon footprint? Are we green? How are we affecting the environment? These are questions that all responsible business owners should be asking... Read More
What is our carbon footprint? Are we green? How are we affecting the environment? These are questions that all responsible business owners should be asking themselves.
As CEO of Exeter Rent-All, I have begun the initiative to lower our carbon footprint. Here are some definitive steps we have committed to.
- We have made the commitment to print our rental contract and letterhead on recycled paper.
- We have rented a cardboard recycling bin for waste cardboard
- We recycle our waste oil from our trucks
- We participated in a program with Unitel to retrofit both our store and our warehouse with high efficiency lighting
- We have hired Ecolab to convert our dishwasher chemicals to environmentally safe products
- Rather than disposing of our older tents we are donating them to non-profits.
- We are donating our old silverware and plates to non-profits and charities rather than filling the land fill.
- We are working with our suppliers to change our tent washing soaps to more friendly products
- Our new sailcloth tents use wood sides and center poles which have a safer footprint than traditional aluminum.
I plan to continue our quest to lower Exeter Events carbon footprint. I welcome any suggestions our readers may have..