Safety Changes at Warehouse

It is a critical part of my mission to provide a safe environment for my staff.  They are entitled to come to work healthy and... Read More

It is a critical part of my mission to provide a safe environment for my staff.  They are entitled to come to work healthy and safe and return to their families in the same condition.

I took responsibility for our production and warehouse operation May 4 2010.  I have instituted the following safety measures to support my core mission of safety

1. Safety starts at the top. I believe if f I create a culture of safety, talk the talk, walk the walk, we will create a safer environment.

2.  Hire better and more inside supervision.   Hire supervisors with the same core safety values as I have.   The concept is if our staff has better supervision we will control unsafe behavior and situations.

3.  Housekeeping,   We cleaned and filled four roll off trash containers with obsolete product.   Less clutter= a safer environment.

4. Forklift.  I discovered we did not maintain a daily forklift inspection log.  We brought the manufacture in, were retrained and relicensed.   We replaced a faulty seat, the radiator and hydraulic hoses.   We now inspect the forklift every morning ad record the procedure in a logbook.

5. Pallet racking.  I discovered we had pallet racking without the proper lock out devices racking not up to code.  These have been repaired.

6. We have reorganized storage of tables, stage, chairs and stage with the concept of reducing risk to employees.  Specifically we have moved items stored on roofs of offices to manufactured racking. We lowered the storage height of heavy serpentine tables to reduce slip and fall risk.  Stage railing is now stored at floor level.  36, 48” and 60” tables are now all in forklift friendly racking.  Heavy ten weights (100 pounds each) are now palletized and transported to trucks by forklift reducing risk of back strain.

7. We hired Hart Plumbing to find a natural gas leak in our dish room.

8. We hired Lamprey Brothers to re plumb the faulty chimneys that are potentially leaking carbon monoxide in our building.

9.  We purchased additional hand truck to reduce back stress for the tent crew.

10. I hired a greater number of employees, thus reducing the average workweek to less than 40 hours.  I believe this will reduce the physical fatigue, sloppiness and poor safety habits.

11. We replaced the pulleys and hardware on our tent cranes.

12. We padded the racks in our trucks.

13. There is a design problem with the way water freezes on our walkway and entrance in the winter.  A number of slip and falls including myself have occurred.   We have hired Todd Bradshaw to design and install a drainage system.  He will be removing part of the driveway and installing drainage to take the water run- off from the roof and have it flow thought a drainage system under the driveways to a culvert.


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Oct. 10 Events Show Power of 10/10/2010

It is a critical part of my mission to provide a safe environment for my staff.  They are entitled to come to work healthy and... Read More

Oct. 10 Events Show Power of 10/10/2010