Your Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Bridal Shower

Bridal showers are an intimate and special occasion that every bride-to-be looks forward to. It’s an opportunity for the bride to spend time with her... Read More

Bridal showers are an intimate and special occasion that every bride-to-be looks forward to. It’s an opportunity for the bride to spend time with her closest friends and family before her wedding day. 

As a maid of honor or bridesmaid, it’s your job to organize the bridal shower and ensure that everything is perfect. While hosting a bridal shower might seem daunting at first, with the right planning and preparation, it can be a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 

In this post, we’ll guide you through the essential steps of planning and hosting a successful bridal shower that the bride will cherish.

Decide on the Budget

Before planning anything, it’s important to determine the budget for the event. You need to decide whether you’re going to collaborate with other bridesmaids or plan on your own. Once you know the budget, you can move on to planning out the various expenses like food, décor, and games.

Choose the Perfect Venue

It’s important to select a venue that fits the bridal shower’s theme. You could host a house party or book a space at a restaurant or café. Some venues might offer packages, so explore your options before finalizing the booking. 

An outdoor venue using a tent would also be a great option if the weather permits — you’ll be able to use all of nature’s beauty as the backdrop. 

Create Invitations

Whether it’s through email or printed invitations, ensure to send out invites at least a month before the bridal shower. Include all the relevant details, like the event’s date, time, and location. You could also add special instructions like what to wear or what the theme of the party is.

Plan the Menu

The menu could vary from brunch to high tea, depending on the time of day. You could also cater the food or create a DIY food station. You could also make the food festive by incorporating the bride’s favorite colors or adding little touches like elements about the couple, such as their favorite treats.

Pro Tip: Make sure to find out if anyone attending has any dietary restrictions. 

Keep the Games and Activities Fun

Bridal showers are meant to be fun and engaging. Including games and activities everyone can participate in is always a good idea. Some popular games include “How well do you know the bride?” or “Bridal shower bingo.” 

As for activities, you could have a karaoke or a photo booth. Make sure to get creative and pick games that everyone would enjoy.

Hosting a bridal shower comes with many responsibilities, but it’s ultimately a bonding experience for everyone involved, with the benefit of celebrating the bride-to-be. With the proper planning and creativity, you can create a unique and memorable event for the bride and her guests. Make sure to keep the bride’s preferences in mind, and don’t forget to have fun while doing it. We hope our guide has helped you plan the perfect bridal shower!

And for help with your New England bridal shower event rentals, give us a call at Sperry Tents Seacoast!

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